Sunday, September 21, 2014

LASAGNE VERDE with Home-made Tomato Sauce ***Domenica Italiana***

I bought very cheap tomatoes to make my favored tomato sauce for my italian Lasagne

These are the ingredients you need:

2 tbsp. Olive oil
1 small onion, coarsely cut
1 garlic clove, corasely cut
bacon or aromatic sausage
 400g tomatoes
2 tbsp cilantro
1 tbp. oregano
2 bayleaf
2 tbsp tomatomark
1 tbsp brown sugar (coconut sugar)
Salt & Pepper

For Lasagne: 4 portion

500 g lean ground beef/pork or chicken/turkey

14 lasagne sheets ( depends on your baking form)
Parmesan/Gorgonsola (ca. 1 tsp.)

Bechamel Sauce:

60 g Butter

60 g Spelt flour

30 g Gorgonzola

Milk/Cocunut/Almond milk (whatever your prefer)

I used almond milk...

Part 1:

Bechamel Sauce.....

In a medium saucepan, heat butter over low-medium heat until melted.
Add spelt flour until smooth. The color of the flour is medium brown. This is called a roux. 

Then you can pour in your favor liquid: cow milk, coconut milk or almond milk..make sure that you stay with this process all time and stir until the taste of spelt flour disappear...add you flour in small quanties to avoid lumps.

Just in case, if you have lumps just use a sieve and let the sauce run through....then add your cheese of this recipe I used gorgonzola..but not too much...since this cheese has a strong taste of its could also use a mild danish cream cheese. This adds a great taste to the Bechamel Sauce...

Mix about 5 - 6 mins.Then add your milk...Set the sauce aside...

What is a roux?
....Roux /ˈr/ (also rue) is a substance created by cooking wheat flour and fat (traditionally butter).

It is the thickening agent of three of the mother sauces of classical French cookingbéchamel saucevelouté sauce, and espagnole sauce...
It is the thickening agent of three of the mother sauces of classical French cookingbéchamel saucevelouté sauce, and espagnole sauce.......Research: wiki...

Part 2:

Home-made Tomato Sauce... boil water and pour them over your tomatoes - you need to take off their skins and seeds.
Let them sit for about ca. 10 min. ...if you like you can cut a cross in the bottom of the tomatoes, but with these soft tomatoes I bought it is not called for.

Pour olive oil in a pot on medium heat add your onions and saute them, then add your minced garlic. Pour your tomatoes in the pot and season them with parsely, oregano, bayleaf, tomatomark and coconut sugar or brown sugar. I added a little bit lemon juice. Salt and Pepper.

Let it come to a boil and then without a lid simmer for about 30 mins or longer. A good sauce will take its time...

Do not forget to discharge the bayleaf :)

Part 3:

Fry ground beef....
Heat up the olive oil and add your onion to saute them. Then add your lean ground beef or chicken or turkey...Cook until the water is dissolves.

Season your meat with salt and pepper. 

Part 4:

Add your tomato sauce to your ground beef and stir. Add some butter and seasoning with cilantro, parsely and oregano, if needed.

Part 5:

There are a variety of Lasagne sheets pre-cooked or dry...I tried out both and I really like the dry ones. I put them in boil and salt water and add four sheets add the time.

Part 6:

Prepare your cooking form with butter and add your lasagne sheets.
First start with Bechamel Sauce and add Parmesanen cheese, then the meat tomato sauce, then lay on top the meat tomato sauce the next lasagne sheets and top it again with meat tomato sauce until you come to the top of your cooking form. 

Then add as last the Bechamel Sauce and Parmesan cheese and put it in the oven for 410F/ 205 C for - 30 min. then add 5 more minutes and add melting cheddar cheese.

Voila...Liam cannot wait to dive in :)

What a happy smile..

...Delicious to the TASTE!

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