Monday, September 22, 2014


Some of you were asking when:" Am I going to post the Fig Choco Plum Tarte"? it goes:

For the dough: Short Pastry (Muerbeteig) Heat oven: 380F/180 C

Here are the ingredients: 26 cm

120 g Spelt flour

 80 g Quinoa flour

100 g butter (no salt )

  1 knife point baking powder

  1 pinch of salt

  1 Egg ( medium )

  nuts of your favored

Part 1:

Rapidly form from the above ingredients the dough and place it in your baking form. Cover it up with plastic food wrap and cool it in the fridge for 30 mins.

Fig Filling:

3 - 4 ripe figes

1/4 cup orange juice

1/8 tsp. nutmeg

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. barcadi

pinch of salt

*arrowroot powder 

*Arrowroot is a starch obtained from the rhizomes (rootstock) of several tropical plants, traditionally Maranta arundinacea, but also Florida arrowroot from Zamia pumila, and tapiocafrom cassava (Manihot esculenta), which is often labelled as arrowroot.[1] Japanese arrowroot, Pueraria lobata, also called kudzu, is used in similar ways......Research: wiki....

Part 2:

Place the figs in a small pot add your spices and let it come to a gentle boil (heat on low-medium)...

Only, use arrowroot if it is too thin in consistent...set it aside...


Part 3:

Wash, dry and cut some in half and some split almost in half...

Part 4:

Spread the fig filling on top of your tart dough and place plums they way you like creative in your own way...DONE and of it goes in the oven....

Final Result

Topped with Choco....Mmmm...Delicious to the TASTE!


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