Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Having North African blood running through my blood-stream naturally I just LOVE cooking Arabic or Marcocco food ...

My father was a great cook and I still have the taste of his hot spicy chicken on my taste buds...I re-tried his chicken tights and legs like he did, but unfortunately, I forgot what kind of spices he used.

Here is a very simple dish to prepare:

Here are the ingredients: 2 portions

1 to 2 cups of couscous

1 cup chicken peas ( in a can)

2 carrots

1 parsnip

1 potato (optional 2)

1/2 Yam

1/4 green beans

3 clover of garlic

1 med. onion


2 Lamb chops

Part 1:

Boil water for couscous. Give 1 to 2 cups of couscous in a bowl, add 1/2 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp butter or oil and boil water (about 3 cups) use 2 forks to fold in the water until loose.

Part 2:

Coarsely dice all the vegetables and saute them with garlic and set aside.

Part 3:

Use the same saute pan for your lamb.  Seasonal your lamb with salt, pepper and garlic (or garlic powder) and fry the lamb chop between 4-5 mins.

Part 4:

Add whip cream to deglaze the caramelized liquid from the bottom of your saute pan to make a sauce.

Part 5:

Use a big pizza baking pan to portion your couscous first, then add your vegetable and on top your lamb chops, then pour your sauce all over. Finishing by decor it with peppermint!

My husband loved it..

                          as always...Delicious to the TASTE!

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