Friday, January 2, 2015

Tart aux pommes - French Apple Tart

 Starting off the NEW YEAR 2015 with TART AUX POMMES makes my mouth watering....

It was delicious to the TASTE again!

La Tart is gone...Liam and my husband loved it. The homemade Puff Pastry was crunchy and fresh.

The puff pastry recipe... from Julia Child... for the croissants, I made previously, I used for my tart aux pommes.

I used 3 apples any kind of apples is good. I also used lemon jam and pricked the dough with a fork then I added the jam and the apples on top of the dough. Sprinkle sugar/cinnamon mix on top of your apples.

Bake 400 F - 50 mins. but make sure that it does not burn, check the tart again at 40 min.

Before it went into the oven...

Dough with butter

fold the butter into the dough like an envelope

use rolling pin and roll the dough into a rectangle. Fold 2x then chill for 2 hours. Repeat a second time and chill again for 2 hours. After that, you can use the dough for your tart.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Chilliwack.....British Columbia ....Canada Beautiful Place to live

My Hiking Year 2014/2015

Living in British Columbia, Canada, now 6 years... with my husband and two sons and our dog Sally, we all experiences a life full of challenge and difficulties. Canada the land of beautiful landscapes, mountains, wild rivers, salmons, bears and rain forests. ... YES, it is doubts...but getting sick, loosing a job...or finding a a different story...when you come from a country who has all this support. 

It is not always Gold what twinkles!

On December 26th, 2014 I climbed up the Mt. Thom with my companionship "Sally" it took me 4 hours. It was pretty hard and painful, but I made it with few stops. Sally stood by me and checked me if I was alright. I passed jogger, hikers and few families with their children.

I decided on that day to climb mountains which are surrounded in Chilliwack and Fraser Valley, 2015... I am going either with my dog "Sally" or take one person with me. Most of the time, I like to go with Sally alone to find peace and quietness. 

Here is a card of the mountain I had been.

Sorry for the blurriness of this photo...I took it with my cell phone.

Hemlock Mountains...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fresh Croissants a la Julia Child

Julia Child was born August 15, 1912 in California, Pasadena. She lived with her husband Paul Cushing Child some time in France where she discovered the french cuisine. She wrote the book the "French Chef"and appeared on her first television show the "French Chef"in 1963 which was a success. 

In 1989 Julia Child published another book including a video which called "The Way to Cook"...

I am inviting you to go on "You Tube" to see Julia Child making her favored French Croissants for her mid- petit dejeuner. 

I love Julia Child for being who she is a natural down to earth person....

They are sooooo Delicious to the TASTE!

Here are the ingredients:

Feed your yeast: 10 min

1 pck of dry yeast
1/4 cup of warm water
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tbsp sugar

1/2 cup of milk (warm to the finger)

In the next bowl you need to add:

2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 tbsp sugar
1tsp. 1/2 salt
4 tbsp of oil
pour in the milk

4 oz of butter for placing it in the dough after it risen.

Then add your yeast to the above ingredients and form a dough. You need to knead for about 5 mins.

Place your dough in a clean bowl and clip the top of the dough to help it rise. Rise the dough about 1 1/2 hour in room temperature. Put your bowl in a plastic bag to help it rise.

After it risen...chill the dough for about 15 mins for easier work with. Roll the dough into a square and place your square butter into the dough and cover the butter with the dough. Then roll the dough with the butter into a rectangle and use flour if the dough sticks to the surface. Then fold the dough into an envelope. This process has to be repeated 4 times. Place the dough into the fridge for 2 hours.

After 2 hours repeat the process again. Then you have to rest the dough for another 2 hours. The resting time of 2 hours is over you can form your dough into croissants.
