Thursday, September 25, 2014

Organic Split Green Pea Soup for cold days

We are going towards the end of September wet, chilly and moist creeps into our bons...brrrrr...

The only remedies is for me and my family a nice warm Split green Peas from my Sardis Health Foods Store which carries these Organic tasteful peas in a bag.

Here are the ingredients: 4 portions

300  split green peas

2 carrots (dice)

1 onions (dice)

3 bacon (dice)

2 tsp. Organic Bouillon Powder or use veggie broth

500 ml water

salt, pepper and herbs

Part 1:

Saute the above ingredients and add your split green peas, add 2 tsp. organic bouillon powder or veggie broth bring it to a boil and simmer it for about 60 min.

Part 2:

Use a blender or hand blender just blend it coarse and add whip cream, salt and pepper, herbs.

Voila, DONE!

Delicious to the TASTE!

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