Friday, September 26, 2014


Spagetti squash is also know as vegetable squash. The color of this fruit can vary in ivory to gold.

To prepare the spagetti squash you can microwave, boil or steam or bake it. You can add a sauce or eat it as a side dish. Whatever you prefer.

The nutrition part is for consuming squash is quite great. Squash contains folic acid, potassium, vitamin A, low calories...perfect for diet

Here are the ingredients: 4 portion

1/2 spagettie squash

1/2 cup edamame

1 slice of bacon

1/2 onion

1 tsp. piece of roquefort

1 tsp. ginger, mince

1/2 cup heavy cream

salt, pepper and marjoram

Part 1:

Cut the squash in half . Take the seeds out. Place the squash in the microwave for about 8 mins or until soft. Then use a tbsp and scrap the meat out...

Part 2:

Saute onion and bacon until golden brown.
 Add your squash in dice to the onion/bacon mixture. If you like you can add your favor veggie to the spaghetti.My favor veggie is at the moment edamame.
Seasoning with salt, pepper, ginger and majoram.

Part 3:

For the sauce: Use about 1 tbsp, creamy cheese like roquefort and pure in heavy cream let it come to a quick boil and then turn down the heat. Stir and taste it. Adjust your seasing.

The finishing touch is roasted almond split...and serve it with corn spaghetti

Delicious to the TASTE!

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