Thursday, January 1, 2015

Chilliwack.....British Columbia ....Canada Beautiful Place to live

My Hiking Year 2014/2015

Living in British Columbia, Canada, now 6 years... with my husband and two sons and our dog Sally, we all experiences a life full of challenge and difficulties. Canada the land of beautiful landscapes, mountains, wild rivers, salmons, bears and rain forests. ... YES, it is doubts...but getting sick, loosing a job...or finding a a different story...when you come from a country who has all this support. 

It is not always Gold what twinkles!

On December 26th, 2014 I climbed up the Mt. Thom with my companionship "Sally" it took me 4 hours. It was pretty hard and painful, but I made it with few stops. Sally stood by me and checked me if I was alright. I passed jogger, hikers and few families with their children.

I decided on that day to climb mountains which are surrounded in Chilliwack and Fraser Valley, 2015... I am going either with my dog "Sally" or take one person with me. Most of the time, I like to go with Sally alone to find peace and quietness. 

Here is a card of the mountain I had been.

Sorry for the blurriness of this photo...I took it with my cell phone.

Hemlock Mountains...

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