Friday, March 13, 2015


STARTER is the baking terminology for preparing a pre-dough.

3rd Day....

Usually, it is made out of whole wheat flour, because the sourdough gives it a nice aroma and flavor to the bread.

The starter takes its time. There are 3 phases which you have to go through (better to say the dough)....

You can use almost any flour for a starter for e.g spelt flour, whole wheat flour, you can even create a combination...

Step 1: 1 Day: 100 g whole wheat flour, 150 g water mix everything together in a bowl. Then cover it up by using a plastic bag lay on top your bowl a towel. Place it in a warm location for 24 hrs.

Step 2: 2 Day: Repeat Step 1 and again for 24 hrs.

Step 3: 3 Day: add 100 g flour and 2 tbsp water stir, cover it up as you did in Step 1 & 2 and let it rest for another 24 hrs.

Step 4: 4 Day: Use a clean jar and divide your starter in half. Refrigerate it for future breads. The other half of your starter you can create your bread...

What do I have to look for in these steps of my starter?

  • sour smell
  • bubbles

Enjoy to replicate....Sunday, March 15, 2015 I am going to show you how to make Vital Bread from this wonderful starter....

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