Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Arugula-Kale Buckwheat Burger with Homemade Salsa Dip

I bought a family box of Arugula/Kale lettuce before it turns into something else I decided to make burger out of lettuce.

Kale is very nutritious and combining it with whole row buckwheat is more than we can imagine. 

Buckwheat is an alternative to rice or other side dishes. It is filled with mineral, magnesium, fiber, copper,phosphorus...Buckwheat is great for Diabetes. It protects from getting gallstones.

Here is the result:

Delicious to the TASTE

Kale in the pan

Kale dough

What you need:




1 Egg

whip cream


Spelt flour

Arugula and Kale blanching in hot salt water for 3 mins. then shock the lettuce..it means to have a bowl of ice water an plunge the lettuce into the ice water to stop the cooking process. 

Squeeze the excess water out of the lettuce gently. Put the vegetable in a blender and include 1 egg, spices of your choice, whip cream, the cooked buckwheat, salt, pepper, chili flakes pepper, red pepper, cinnamon, ginger etc. and flour mix well.

Use a tablespoon to form your Kale Burger and transfer them right away in your frying pan. Fry them for about 4 -5 mins. DONE!

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