Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chicken Burger with Arugula, Kale and Homemade Chunky Salsa

Wow, Sunday and Pajama time for one is in the house just Sally and Me. My husband works and my kids are out of the house.

Let's make this rapid lunch snack: Homemade Chunky Salsa with a great Chicken Burger and Arugula-Kale Salad. As a side dish, I chose Tortilla Chips with Kale and Chia. 

Arugula is a healthy and low on calories salad. It is high on Vitamin C, A and K, on phytochemicals Arugula is also a supporter for the brain and bone.

Kale is great and very tasty. Low on calories and high on nutrition. It contains 2.5 gram on fiber, folate, a B vitamin that's responsible for brain development, vitamin A, C and K, calcium and zinc and much more

Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, protein ... Chia helps to lose weight as well...

 As a side dish I added Tortilla Chips with Kale & Chia. 

Ingredients for Chunky Salsa:

3 -4 Tomatoes

1/2 cup of green bell peppers

1 cup onion diced

1/4 cup cilantro (fresh) minced

2 tbl fresh lemon juice

3 tbl fresh jalapeno, chopped

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

Add all the above ingredients in a blender and chopped coarsely.

That's it. Done!

Here you have your salad dressing for your Arugula,Kale Salad


Handful Arugula & Kale, sprinkle with fried bacon, sunflowers and pumpkins seed and on top you add your home-made chunky salsa

Chicken Burger:

Since we have Sunday and we are pretty lazy. We take one of the frozen chicken burger and throw it on the grill. Add bacon...sunflower seeds and pumpkin seed tossed in the pan and add them on our burger.

Voila and finish...Mmmmmmmmmmh....

I added Tortilla Chips with Kale & Chia as a side dish.

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