Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wanted - HELP - For my FieldsCookingLab Blog

I love to bake and cook including sharing my creation with the rest of the world. I have as of today:

Pageview chart 2119 pageviews - 59 posts, last published on Feb 19, 2015 - 1 follower

Which are a lot of viewers and I would like to say THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO VISIT ME!
From all over the world, to make this blog more visible I am looking for a student or volunteer who love to help me in going more public. Where page viewers are able to leave their comments, although I would also feel happy if I could publish my first book and earn extra money

If you are out there to support me, please write me on my Facebook page: Sally Fields....leave a message and I will contact you. I live in Canada...


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