Sunday, March 1, 2015

VEGAN Eggs.. no Butter....for my BEST Friend Denise and her Son

This Vegan Muffin Recipe is for my Vegan friend Denise and her son. Of course, I like to share this with the rest of the world, as well.

Malakai started, about two years ago, changing his diet from eating a lot of hamburgers and other fast food items to VEGAN FOOD. At the time, he was just 13 years old. Through this slowly change in his diet he managed to lost weight, got leaner, but over all he took care of his body, mind and skin. I thought for a young teenager being so responsible in utlize his own health to another level was for me just amazing. 

I am not only proud of Malakai I have veneration for his arbitration, discipline and his believe that he is able to change something in his life. HE DID!

It is great to learn from young teenagers or even from our own children. This helps us to follow our inner wishes and desires which we have for ourselves. So, if you want to change something in your it slowly, have patience, believe in yourself and ask a friend to join you. 

Now, to my MUFFINS with no milk, no eggs and no butter:

Vegan basic recipe for many other good things like cake, muffins...

Only 180 kcl.....Delicious to the TASTE....Mmmmmmmmmh

You need: heat up the oven to 180 C or 351 F

250g Spelt flour

200 g Sugar ...I choice icing sugar

2tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp vanillia

a pinch of salt

50 ml neutral oil

100 ml Sojamilk

150g Sojayoghurt

1 -2 tlsp  vinegar

Step 1:

Mix all the dry ingredients together and add the wet ingredients to the dry. Use a whisk to stir and divide the dough into you muffin baking form

Step 2:

Bake them between 15 to 20 mins. 

Let them cool and decorate your muffins they you like it.

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