Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Something About ME and my passion to local FARMS

I grew up in a big City in Europe. The funny part is that my mother came from a farm. Her parents had some cows, geese and pigs. Hay time was not a fun time for my mother when she was a kid and later a teenager. Everytime, when she was in school her mother took her out for HAY time. She hated it!

The time which my mother lived in was harder compare to farmers of present time who have the support from milking machines and other typ of luxury tools...


I was more like the tom-boy girl who love to run a round in farmer jeans climbing on trees loving to safekeeping for animals. I brought injured small animals home and cared for them...whether they were 5 kittens in a grocery box or a half dead pigeon...I wished my home were on a farm so I could have a horse to ride all day long.It does not have to be big. Kind of a Hobby Farm.

I was curious where the bread came from and how to make cheese. I wanted to have my own garden to see the veggies grow. I stand in awe of trees which are 100 of years old....

When I came to Vancouver in 2009...I just could not see my boys and us living in a city...I was thankful that my husband agreed to move to Maple Ridge, BC....there I found, after, researching for quite some time Karen Koop her chicken, beef, lamb and garden plants and herbs and much more.

She has the best chicken far and wide,even then when we moved to Chilliwack in July 2013...I still could not find a local farm that could beat Karen's chicken. It is worth it to drive 1 hour to get her chicken! 
So, if you ever pass by Maple Ridge...stop by...make sure your phone her up to get her up-to-date business hours, because they do change...

CHILLIWACK and their local FARMS...

Jackie and her Prest Road EGGS

I will try to introduce some local farms from Chilliwack once I discover them from time to time. One of them is Jackie and her eggs. I found her pretty fast, because she lives on Prest Road and this is the road which leads to Hwy 1 going to Vancouver or the opposite going to Hope. 

When you drive on Prest Road her signs cannot be missed. The signs are sharp yellow and most of the time it says CLOSED because she is out of eggs. I have to call Jackie to order 2 or 3 dozen eggs which I done during Thanksgiving time, because her eggs are sold out pretty fast, like I said. Jackie is a very nice person she makes it possible and convenient for her customers to pick up their order eggs even she is not home...she has trust in her customers....that is very seldom in these days. Thank you, Jackie...


Then there is WENRO FARM...Wendy and Piet...are probably the 4th or 5th generation from Holland. They are very nice people. Their cocktail tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers must have...not to mention their eggs and their SATURDAY Cinnanmon buns are the firecrackers under all...BUNS...Wendy inspired me to get better and better in my cinnamon buns that I finally made took weeks and tons of patiences...

When I visit Wenro farms I feel home and cozy. Lindsay, is the niece of Wendy and Piet and just like them she has a natural smile. It is just fun to spend some time there. I have seen people on a Saturday morning sitting and eating cinnamon buns and having this Mmmmmmmm on their face....You know what I mean?!

Piet plans a pet zoo. He already has a donkey and some sheeps. I am excited how it will look in the end of it. Here are some pictures I took. Sadly, I was not able to capture the smell of Wendy's cinnamon buns. But, nevertheless, just stop by on a Saturday morning or during the week and get local eggs or veggies or both....

Here is the veggie stall:these brown bags contain Hazelnuts, also local....I bought one bag...and I will conjure a cake for you.

On a Saturday morning...people sitting and eating cinnamon buns:

The chicken house

Little Mary had a little lamb...

.YOURS...Ellaine... from FieldsCooking Lab....

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