Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chicken Belly filled with Swiss Chard and Ricotta - Slim Down Recipe

This is going to be the start off my slim down week # 1....

For dinner: I had stuffed Chicken Breast with Swiss Chard and Ricotta. Easy prepare and saves time as well.

My husband had the same with fried potatoes. On top of the chicken I brushed spicy Southwest Chipotle, but should that be to hot for you just leave it off...

Bake the chicken in the oven on 450 F/250 C or until done

Delicious to the TASTE!

This is what you need:

1 cup of Swiss Chard or Spinach need to blanch the veggie, then chopped it up and added to the ricotta


Mix everything well in a bowl, add Salt, Pepper & Red Pepper

Then stuff your chicken or fish...whatever you love to eat 


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