Friday, January 2, 2015

Tart aux pommes - French Apple Tart

 Starting off the NEW YEAR 2015 with TART AUX POMMES makes my mouth watering....

It was delicious to the TASTE again!

La Tart is gone...Liam and my husband loved it. The homemade Puff Pastry was crunchy and fresh.

The puff pastry recipe... from Julia Child... for the croissants, I made previously, I used for my tart aux pommes.

I used 3 apples any kind of apples is good. I also used lemon jam and pricked the dough with a fork then I added the jam and the apples on top of the dough. Sprinkle sugar/cinnamon mix on top of your apples.

Bake 400 F - 50 mins. but make sure that it does not burn, check the tart again at 40 min.

Before it went into the oven...

Dough with butter

fold the butter into the dough like an envelope

use rolling pin and roll the dough into a rectangle. Fold 2x then chill for 2 hours. Repeat a second time and chill again for 2 hours. After that, you can use the dough for your tart.

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