Friday, September 19, 2014


I am a busy mum and so do you....when I came home from soccer Liam was hungry like a wolf...

I had chicken breast, edamame and yoghurt...well...and this is the outcoming of my ingredients:

Below you find the usually...Delicicous to the TASTE! Liam was asking for MORE...

Ingredients:  2 portions

400 g chicken breast, cut in strips

2/3 cup of edamame (soy beans)

1 cup yoghurt

1/2 cucumber, peel and unseed

1 garlic clove, minced

1-2 tbsp butter

2-3 tsp. coconut oil


Part 1:

slice your chicken in strips, add salt and pepper

Part 2:

heat up you pan on medium, add coconut oil and butter and place your chicken strips in the pan

stir....once the chicken strips are golden brown add your edamame, turn down the heat

Part 3:

peel your cucumber and unseed them...use a grater to grate them....
add minced garlic and yoghurt....stir... add salt, pepper and your favoured herbs.

Voila...DONE! Bon appetite!.....

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