Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wanted - HELP - For my FieldsCookingLab Blog

I love to bake and cook including sharing my creation with the rest of the world. I have as of today:

Pageview chart 2119 pageviews - 59 posts, last published on Feb 19, 2015 - 1 follower

Which are a lot of viewers and I would like to say THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO VISIT ME!
From all over the world, to make this blog more visible I am looking for a student or volunteer who love to help me in going more public. Where page viewers are able to leave their comments, although I would also feel happy if I could publish my first book and earn extra money

If you are out there to support me, please write me on my Facebook page: Sally Fields....leave a message and I will contact you. I live in Canada...


Chocolate covered Marshmallow from Germany...dedicated to my Elementary School Friend PIA in Germany

Hooray!  Mine parcel from Germany arrived today. The post officer rang the doorbell and when I opened my door I saw this green parcel lying in front of me.

I am so happy and excited to open up this wonderful green parcel. How did Pia know that green is my favored color (for now)?

Pia and I went to Elementary School in Germany. I had a great time. I enjoyed being invited to her parents house. 


This is after I unwrapped the box and she wrote a note...that is sooo cute....


This is the remaining contains after being in the air for more than 10 hrs and on the road for about 2 hours,,,,

They taste a little bit chewy, but a really Dickmann Lover does not care!

For me it is still....Delicious to the Taste... I will share these with my husband....

Again .Thank you, PIA..

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Qia White Bread

Bread is essential for my lovely husband without bread in the morning it is like for someone no coffee in the morning. Well, yesterday he forget to buy bread and since he was so tired from work I decided to bake a special Qia White Bread for him.

The proofing is the time consuming factor, but it is worth it.

The recipe is the same one I use for my french bread, pizza, rolls or white bread. Just add contains: Hemp, Organic Chia Seeds, Organic Buckwheat groats, Organic hemp seeds, Organic cranberries (Organic cranberries, Organic evaporated cane juice, Organic sunflower oil) Organic almonds, natural vanilla flavor. into your dough and voila there you have your Qia Bread.

What is Qia?

Qia is a Superfood and contains tons of healthy and nutritious items like vitamins, mineral, fiber. 

Qia means energy and it can be used in yogurt or as cereal. It is really a morning booster.It is high in protein and gluten free. Qia is great for people who are vegan.

And, even it is white bread it keeps you full because of the high contains fiber and omega 3s which will give you energy throughout the day...

My husband loves it! The health of my family comes always first for me....

If you have any question, please write...

Half is already gone...

This is how it looks before it went into the oven:

Arugula-Kale Buckwheat Burger with Homemade Salsa Dip

I bought a family box of Arugula/Kale lettuce before it turns into something else I decided to make burger out of lettuce.

Kale is very nutritious and combining it with whole row buckwheat is more than we can imagine. 

Buckwheat is an alternative to rice or other side dishes. It is filled with mineral, magnesium, fiber, copper,phosphorus...Buckwheat is great for Diabetes. It protects from getting gallstones.

Here is the result:

Delicious to the TASTE

Kale in the pan

Kale dough

What you need:




1 Egg

whip cream


Spelt flour

Arugula and Kale blanching in hot salt water for 3 mins. then shock the means to have a bowl of ice water an plunge the lettuce into the ice water to stop the cooking process. 

Squeeze the excess water out of the lettuce gently. Put the vegetable in a blender and include 1 egg, spices of your choice, whip cream, the cooked buckwheat, salt, pepper, chili flakes pepper, red pepper, cinnamon, ginger etc. and flour mix well.

Use a tablespoon to form your Kale Burger and transfer them right away in your frying pan. Fry them for about 4 -5 mins. DONE!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chicken Burger with Arugula, Kale and Homemade Chunky Salsa

Wow, Sunday and Pajama time for one is in the house just Sally and Me. My husband works and my kids are out of the house.

Let's make this rapid lunch snack: Homemade Chunky Salsa with a great Chicken Burger and Arugula-Kale Salad. As a side dish, I chose Tortilla Chips with Kale and Chia. 

Arugula is a healthy and low on calories salad. It is high on Vitamin C, A and K, on phytochemicals Arugula is also a supporter for the brain and bone.

Kale is great and very tasty. Low on calories and high on nutrition. It contains 2.5 gram on fiber, folate, a B vitamin that's responsible for brain development, vitamin A, C and K, calcium and zinc and much more

Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, protein ... Chia helps to lose weight as well...

 As a side dish I added Tortilla Chips with Kale & Chia. 

Ingredients for Chunky Salsa:

3 -4 Tomatoes

1/2 cup of green bell peppers

1 cup onion diced

1/4 cup cilantro (fresh) minced

2 tbl fresh lemon juice

3 tbl fresh jalapeno, chopped

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

Add all the above ingredients in a blender and chopped coarsely.

That's it. Done!

Here you have your salad dressing for your Arugula,Kale Salad


Handful Arugula & Kale, sprinkle with fried bacon, sunflowers and pumpkins seed and on top you add your home-made chunky salsa

Chicken Burger:

Since we have Sunday and we are pretty lazy. We take one of the frozen chicken burger and throw it on the grill. Add bacon...sunflower seeds and pumpkin seed tossed in the pan and add them on our burger.

Voila and finish...Mmmmmmmmmmh....

I added Tortilla Chips with Kale & Chia as a side dish.